Principal’s Message..........

“Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result.” 

Oscar Wilde 

Events and experiences are inter-connected with the life of a person. Events occur daily in our lives. Meaning and aim of some events may be understood when it takes place, while others take some time to unfold. Insights and lessons are whispers of experience that come to us with each event which is taking place in our day to day life. Sometimes the knowledge which assimilates through experience comes as a big bang, while at other times, it can be fleeting. We the students are seeking, with grace and ease, the insights and lessons that are assisting us to be a powerful force for change in our life, our family, our community and even in our world. When we change one heart at a time-our own -and then those around us- we create better world. Then we need to break free from our chains and discover our inner creativity and passion. Propelled by a heartfelt vision and passionate commitment we will be a powerful creative force – like an unchained elephant. Reframe your thinking to unleash your potential. Think differently, be more creative and embrace our own unique talents. Too many among us are afraid to be ourselves, to think differently and vibrantly. So we give up our dreams and follow the crowd. Tragic. “To thine own self, be true “wrote Shakespeare. Have the courage to be who you are. There cannot be two yous. Life is not meant to be an ordeal. It is meant to be a celebration. So you have big-time fun as you chase- and catch- your most cherished dreams. Wear your passion on your sleeve and hold your heart in the palm of your hand and work hard to reach and make true your dreams.

                                                   Dear students, Schools are the first contact with the world. It’s a period of joy, healthy competition, adjustment, caring , sharing etc….It is not wide open space, merely a classroom, library, laboratory, ground and so on….But it is a beautiful time , cannot be compared to any other stages of life. So, fly like butterflies…..higher…to the highest.

Sr. Anupa Maria CMC


St. Anselm School, Tonk
